Claim compensation before any emissions GLO deadline expires

The emissions GLO cases may consist of millions of claimants pursuing damages against dozens of carmakers here in the UK alone.

GLO stands for Group Litigation Order, and it is a way of bringing together many claims into one streamlined and more efficient process. It is similar to the term used in the US, known as a Class Action. We have a lot of experience in these types of cases, and you can start your emissions claim for compensation easily here now.

Your Lawyers – The Car Emissions Lawyers – is a leading firm of consumer action solicitors that has been at the forefront of the fight for “dieselgate” justice since the very beginning in September 2015. We were one of the first firms (if not the first) to offer proper No Win, No Fee Representation, and we launched the first High Court proceedings against VW in January 2016.

What is an emissions GLO?

An emissions GLO is the general legal mechanism that can be used for people to pursue compensation if they have been affected by the numerous emissions scandals here in the UK. We can bring tens of thousands (or even hundreds of thousands or millions) of claims together into a single GLO. A GLO is usually suitable for where there are “like” or similar issues that apply to many cases.

In the emissions claims, the similar or same issues are about the fact that the affected vehicles may be fitted with the same kind of technology. This technology may amount to a form of “defeat device”, and they may be installed in millions of vehicles across the world.

Rather than pursuing a substantial number of claims across the UK in various different local courts, it is much easier to bring them all into one set of court proceedings so the similar and same issues can be dealt with as one. This could mean establishing a framework to know whether a claimant is eligible for compensation, and it could also be used to determine how much they may receive.

Claims can still be assessed and settled on certain individual merits, but all the shared matters can be resolved with greater efficiency when they are dealt with together.

What are the deadlines?

We are looking at multiple emissions GLO claims that will likely be based on who the vehicle manufacturer is. The allegations and suspicions about how the dozens of carmakers that are under the spotlight may have cheated emissions regulations can differ quite a lot, so there may be up 20 to 30 separate emissions GLO claims to cover the various manufacturers.

The deadline for the Volkswagen Emissions GLO in England and Wales passed in 2018. Others may pass soon, as some of the actions and cases are at differing stages.

The key thing here is that you really should just start a claim without any delay at all. We operate on a No Win, No Fee basis, so what do you have to lose in starting your claim now?

What you could lose by NOT getting started now could be tens of thousands of pounds in damages, and this does happen. We have had to turn away many people who have tried to join our group actions after the deadline had passed, and some of those could have been in line for pay-outs of circa £25,000! That is a lot of money to throw away!

What do I need to do?

It is so easy to start an emissions claim for compensation with us. All you need to do is check your eligibility here now and use our Claims Form to sign up for a legal case today.

Start Your Claim Today
First published by Admin on May 18, 2022 in the following categories: Diesel Emissions Claims, Emissions News, Group Action, NOx
The content of this post/page was considered accurate at the time of the original posting and/or at the time of any posted revision. The content of this page may, therefore, be out of date. The information contained within this page does not constitute legal advice. Any reliance you place on the information contained within this page is done so at your own risk.
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