Car Emissions Lawyers - The Original Emissions Claims Lawyers

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Please note we are unable to proceed with claims involving BMW, Dacia, Ford, Honda, MINI, Mercedes-Benz & Mitsubishi.

Have you owned or leased a Mercedes-Benz car or van first registered between 2009 and 2020? You may be able to claim.

Please note we are unable to proceed with claims which fall outside of the English & Welsh jurisdiction.

Have you received notice that your vehicle required or requires a recall?

Is your vehicle fitted with an EA189 engine, or a newer engine?

The deadline for claims for EA189 engines passed in 2018, and claims settled in 2022. We are unable to take any claims on for vehicles with EA189 engines. We are able to take on claims for newer engine types that are NOT EA189 engines.

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Mercedes emissions recall
May 30, 2016

Reports are coming in: Volkswagen recall IS adversely affecting vehicles

We have already received reports confirming that the recall will have an adverse impact on the performance of a vehicle once the recall has been completed. The Volkswagen group are telling us that there will be no changes to the performance or fuel economy of the vehicle, but we’re being told an entirely different tale by experts and by the few who have had the recall done so far.

The evidence appears damning, and it all points toward yet another possible misrepresentation as we’re finding out that it’s nigh impossible to conduct the recall without adversely impacting vehicles.
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By Admin
May 27, 2016

The VW emissions scandal: what is NOx, why should you care, and who knew all ozone wasn’t good for us?

If you’ve paid any attention to the news over the last few months, you might have heard about the VW emissions scandal, and how they cheated on emissions testing so that their cars looked like they produced less NOx than they actually did in the real world. What you probably don’t know is why this is actually an issue beyond just that of broken consumer trust.

We’re currently acting for thousands of individuals affected by the scandal and we wanted to highlight the importance of reducing NOx emissions and why you should, in our opinion, care about it!
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By Admin
May 24, 2016

U.S. Action: Volkswagen set to provide update on settlement negotiations

Following increasing pressures from U.S. federal and State governments, Volkswagen agreed the framework of a compensation deal for some half a million affected vehicles in the U.S. last month, and they are now set for an update after it was agreed that payouts would be made, and that repair options or buyback schemes will also be put in place for victims as well.

In the UK we’re acting for thousands of victims affected by the Volkswagen emissions scandal, yet Volkswagen are currently refusing to pay out. We’re confident we will be able to settle cases but it may take some additional time due to far less pressure from the UK government possibly slowing the action down in comparison.
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By Admin
May 17, 2016

Volkswagen Emissions Scandal recall finally begins

A common question in the lips of the many thousands of people we act for has been: “when will the Volkswagen recall begin?”

We’ve all been waiting very patiently since the German automotive giants suggested it would begin in January this year, but until now, we’ve all had to be very patient!

Clients are now advising us that they have received more letters asking them to book their vehicle in for the recall, so it looks like it’s finally begun.
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By Admin
May 16, 2016

Emissions scandal continues – Nissan Qashqai recalled!

It started with the Volkswagen Group, affecting VW themselves, Audi, SEAT, and Skoda; then Mitsubishi admitted to manipulating results, and it has been alleged that independent testing of Fiat vehicles has found some alarming results as well.

Now it’s Nissan’s turn as the British-built Qashqai has been recalled in South Korea after claims they have also fitted vehicles with emissions cheating devices.

The worldwide and growing emissions scandal continues to spread!
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By Admin
May 06, 2016

Porsche R&D Boss who was suspended in wake of Volkswagen Emissions Scandal has now quit

Wolfgang Hatz, a head engineer at Porsche, was suspended in the wake of the emission scandal stemming from its parent company Volkswagen. It’s suspected that tens of thousands of Porsche models may be affected by the scandal, and Hatz was suspended pending further investigations along with a whole host of other senior figures.

Seven months on from the suspension he has left his post and has been replaced by head of quality management, Michael Steiner.
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By Admin
April 29, 2016

Volkswagen bosses set for huge £49m bonuses despite emissions scandal

Seven months on from the breaking of the Volkswagen Emissions Scandal and here’s the state of play:

  • No recall initiated despite it supposedly starting January 2016;
  • No viable fix that won’t affect fuel consumption and engine performance according to independent research;
  • Not a single penny in compensation paid to the millions of consumers worldwide who have been sold a misrepresented vehicle;


  • £49m pounds to be paid in bonuses to VW bosses!

Yes, you read that right! Despite the PR nightmares and failed assurances, the VW bosses at the top are still going to receive millions in bonuses despite Volkswagen being at the centre of the one the biggest scandals in history.
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By Admin
April 29, 2016

Early investigations allege that Fiat could be cheating emissions tests as well!

When “dieselgate” first broke, we asked the all important question: who is next?

Then, Mitsubishi admitted to cheating emissions testing as far back as 1991, and we still asked the same important question: who is next!?

Well, German authorities are pointing the finger at Italian carmakers Fiat after claims of irregularities during emissions testing has raised questions as to whether they are also involved in an emissions cheating scandal of their own.
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By Admin
April 28, 2016

Mitsubishi admit to cheating since 1991 as domestic orders and share value is HALVED in wake of new scandal

We recently reported that Japanese car giants Mitsubishi have also admitted to cheating emissions results in a scandal similar to the Volkswagen one.

Internal investigations found that employees had been manipulating results of emissions testing, and in the wake of the scandal, they have since admitted that they’ve been doing it for 25 years – i.e. back to 1991!

In the wake of the admission, domestic orders of vehicles have halved, and their share value has also halved as well.
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By Admin
April 28, 2016

Government accused of being “phenomenally complacent” over Volkswagen Emissions Scandal

The Transport Select Committee and consumer groups have accused the government of being “phenomenally complacent” over the Volkswagen Emissions scandal, and have even accused Department for Transport minister, Mr Robert Goodwill, of helping to protect Volkswagen’s reputation.

Both consumer groups and MP’s have criticised government ministers who remain unwilling to say one way or another whether Volkswagen have broken the law. Members said that lawyers acting for VW would be “popping Champaign corks” after Mr Goodwill’s failure to look at a criminal prosecution.
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By Admin
April 24, 2016

Volkswagen Engineers reportedly used “code words” for their defeat devices

Volkswagen engineers at the heart of the investigation in to the massive worldwide emissions scandal (AKA “dieselgate”) reportedly used “code words” to cover their tracks for rigging the emissions data of vehicles.

The software they developed could tell when the vehicle was being tested and when it wasn’t – which was how the emissions controls knew to turn on during tests and switch off the rest of the time.

To shroud what was really going on, it’s been reported that a series of “code words” were used.
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By Admin
April 23, 2016

Did Volkswagen have the emissions “dieselgate” scandal planned since 1999?

The big question – just how long ago did the German automotive giants have plans or ideas in place to solve their emissions problems by cheating the system?

Some bosses have claimed no knowledge at all; some have admitted finding out in the last couple of years; but in reality it’s hard to know just how long they may have had this planned unless people own up to it.

Fresh news has emerged that suggests Volkswagen may have had this planned, or considered taking such action, as far back as 1999 – a damning revelation, if true.
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Our Diesel Emissions Group Actions

If you are looking for representation for emissions problems related to Jaguar Land Rover, Nissan Renault, Porsche and many others you can go to the following advice pages to find out more:

Jaguar Land Rover Emissions




Nissan Renault Emissions




Porsche Emissions




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