Emissions scandal continues – Nissan Qashqai recalled!

It started with the Volkswagen Group, affecting VW themselves, Audi, SEAT, and Skoda; then Mitsubishi admitted to manipulating results, and it has been alleged that independent testing of Fiat vehicles has found some alarming results as well.

Now it’s Nissan’s turn as the British-built Qashqai has been recalled in South Korea after claims they have also fitted vehicles with emissions cheating devices.

The worldwide and growing emissions scandal continues to spread!

We said it right from the start and we’ve continued to say it all along – who is next!?

Now that several automotive giants have been drawn in to the scandal, we are not at all surprised to learn of yet another manufacturer being accused of cheating emissions results. The environment ministry in South Korea has accused the Japanese car manufacturer of fitting “defeat devices” in to diesel Nissan Qashqai vehicles.

So far 800 vehicles have been recalled in South Korea and the government are threatening fines as a result of the recall, although Nissan deny they have done anything wrong (now where have we heard that before?).

In a statement from Nissan they deny any wrongdoing at all:

“(Nissan) does not manipulate data related to our vehicles. The Nissan Qashqai has been correctly [approved] under Korean regulations. Nissan has not and does not employ illegal defeat or cheat devices in any of the cars that we make.”

They have also said that EU authorities have concluded that Nissan vehicles they have tested do not have illegal defeat devices, although it’s worth pointing out that the vehicles affected so far are being recalled in South Korea – not Europe. This leaves open the possibility that it affects vehicles outside the EU, and it’s also worth noting that Nissan has said they are now working with the South Korean authorities to take appropriate steps.

So, whilst the jury remains undecided on whether Nissan have been involved in sneaky emissions cheating methods like Volkswagen and Mitsubishi, there remains the very real possibility that the scandal is set to get wider and wider.

So far though its being strenuously denied and it’s the South Korean authorities making the allegations (for the sake of clarity).

Seriously: who is next???

We’re constantly asking this big burning question – who is next?

Authorities are coming down hard on automotive manufacturers and more and more research is being conducted in to whether other manufacturers are affected.

We’re currently acting for thousands of people affected by the Volkswagen Emissions Scandal and we’ll be keeping an eye on developments with other manufacturers as well.

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First published by Admin on May 16, 2016 in the following categories: Emissions News
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