Volkswagen UK launch April 2016 update for victims of the emissions cheat scandal

Mercedes emissions recall

We’re acting for thousands of people affected by the Volkswagen emissions cheat device scandal, and we’re receiving copies of the latest letter sent to those affected with an update on the progress of the recall.

Although our action is running separately to the recall, as we’re going for compensation for those who have been affected by the emissions scandal, we’re of course keeping a very close eye on how the recall is going.

The latest update and statements from Volkswagen UK are in…

The letter apologises again (and rightly so) and cites delays that have been caused by the ‘volume and complexities’ of the different engines affected.

What we know is this:

  • 2l and 2.0l TDI engines require a software update that should take 30 minutes
  • 6l TDI engines will need a ‘flow transformer’ fitted as well as the software update, with a time estimate of 60 minutes

Their aim, as they say, is to ensure that affected vehicles do not suffer any change in terms of what has already been published about them for factors such as engine performance and fuel consumption. But the fact remains that the change is going to have an impact on the performance of the vehicle, which is something that both logic dictates, and experts have advised.

Think of it in this rather simple way – why did they bother cheating in the first place?

The most logical answer is to misrepresent the vehicle because of how it performs when the emission software is working properly…

As we have said all along though, we can but speculate; but the point about the fact that they must have felt a need to cheat in the first place is a significant one. We have been advised by people in the know that the changes in vehicle performance could be huge…

Our emissions scandal action

Right now we represent a huge action consisting of thousands of people affected by the Volkswagen emissions cheat scandal. We’re representing those people on a no win, no fee basis, and we’re already at an advanced stage with many cases in terms of development.

Anyone who wants to join our action is being urged to contact us as soon as possible to avoid any upcoming cut off points. You can call us on 0800 634 75 75 or complete a contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Start Your Claim Today
First published by Admin on April 04, 2016 in the following categories: Group Action
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