Victims of VW’s emissions “fix” hold protest outside VW headquarters

Dissatisfied owners of Volkswagen vehicles from all over the nation came together to protest Volkswagen’s so called “emissions fix” outside the company’s U.K. headquarters in Milton Keynes.

The “fix” is an emissions software update that was introduced after millions of Volkswagen vehicles were found to have been fitted with so-called “defeat devices” that manipulated emissions testing results. Instead of paying consumers compensation for their cheating, Volkswagen are merely offering this software “fix” to alter the software inside VW cars, and they say it won’t cause any problems.

Yet here we are, in 2017, with large numbers of people reporting that the technical measures “fix” IS causing issues…

Many VW owners who have had the “fix” are reporting all sorts of problems with their cars, and  many who have gone back to their dealer or garage looking for help are receiving absolutely none whatsoever.

Many frustrated owners have been told that the problems they’re experiencing are apparently not linked to the “fix”, and many have been faced with expensive repairs. One common reported problem is with the EGR breaking, which can cost owners between £800 – £1,200 to repair.

When customers turn into protesters

In the absence of answers from their dealers and Volkswagen, customers took to online forums to share their stories and provide each other with support and advice.

Whilst Volkswagen (and also Dealers and Garages) offered little help to those with “post-fix” problems they perhaps never expected VW customers to come together and protest against them.

The forums and online petitions are proof of just how angry some people have become at the way they’ve been treated by Volkswagen.

A number of owners descended upon VW’s headquarters to protest against the company’s behaviour. Armed with protest signs that have a common message “#VWfixfail“, protesters increased pressure on Volkswagen to take real action in rectifying the mess they have created.

“VW BROKE OUR TRUST. Now they’ve broken our cars” read one of the protesters’ signs whilst slamming the fix as an empty solution, “1 HOUR UPDATE WILL NOT SOLVE YEARS OF DECEPTION”.

VW owners have been hit with a number of letters and calls requesting that they bring affected vehicles in for the “fix”. The letters promised that “there will be no negative impact on engine performance, maximum torque, fuel consumption, noise and CO2 emissions”. Despite this, as one protester simply put it, “Quick fix. Endless failures”.

Faith lost in the German automotive giants…

Many victims have completely lost faith in Volkswagen and it’s not hard to see why. They continue to deny any wrongdoing here in the U.K., and are denying customers the financial compensation they deserve.

Volkswagen is failing to look after these owners and their actions just seem to make things worse… As one former customer turned protester politely put it, VW is “das awful”.

We’re not going to let VW get away with it. We’re acting on behalf of thousands of victims here in the U.K. and offering No Win, No Fee representation because we firmly believe that we will succeed with our action.

Start Your Claim Today
First published by Admin on July 18, 2017 in the following categories: Emissions News
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