$10.2bn settlement agreed for U.S. victims of the Volkswagen Emissions Scandal

Volkswagen agreed to compensate U.S. victims of “dieselgate” in April following increased pressures from the government to put a package in place.

We can now confirm that a settlement has been reportedly reached on American soil to the tune of $10.2bn with cash payments to be made of around $5,000 although they could reach up to $7,000 (roughly between £1,400 and £5,000 in sterling!)

Yet despite this news, they are still refusing to pay compensation to UK victims!

Payment values will depend on things like the type and age of the vehicle, and some of the money will go to the U.S. government for setting the scheme up. But the important thing here is that victims are set to receive payouts for what has happened, which is important in the wake of news of resale values being impacted by the scandal.

We’re acting for thousands of people claiming here in the UK with many of them already losing money on the value of their affected vehicle. They have been fitted with defeat devices that have cheated emissions testing, and the expert evidence we hold says there will be adverse affects on performance and fuel economy once the recall has been done; which goes against Volkswagen’s assertions.

Although they are refusing to pay out here in the UK at the moment, we are more than satisfied that we will be able to successfully settle claims against them. We don’t think their defence holds any water at all, and it’s just a matter of time before we reach a settlement here in the UK as well.

Although it’s a totally different jurisdiction over in the U.S. it can be a good thing that they are at least settling claims now.

If you haven’t yet joined our action…

Please do so as soon as you can.

We have already issued proceedings with the High Court of Justice and we’re acting for thousands of people affected by the scandal.

It’s highly likely that there will be court-imposed deadlines for cases on the group action, and missing this deadline could cost you your claim! Trust us – we’ve been involved in plenty of large scale cases in the past, and the Judges can be rather strict on people!

Start your claim by either calling us free from a mobile or landline on 0800 634 7575 or enter your details in our claim form below…

Start Your Claim Today
First published by Admin on June 24, 2016 in the following categories: Emissions News
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