Less than 50 days left to claim against Volkswagen

Another week has flown by, and there’s now less than 50 days left to claim against Volkswagen as a victim of the Volkswagen Emissions Scandal. If this is the first time you’re hearing about the action and what you need to do, this warning may save you from missing out on claiming potentially thousands of pounds in compensation. If you’re not aware, you need to know that you may be eligible to join a massive Group Litigation Order (GLO) action that’s currently running in the High Court of Justice for those affected by the ‘dieselgate’ scandal from 2015. There is now less than 50 days left to claim against Volkswagen, so you need to take action now.

What is the deadline to claim against Volkswagen?

The deadline for you to have launched your claim against Volkswagen is 26 October 2018, which is now (as of today) less than 50 days away. Before this deadline elapses, you should instruct a law firm to represent you and make sure you have the benefit of funding and insurance for the case. You also need to have informed us of key information that can help us pursue the case, so when we say there’s less than 50 days left to make a claim against Volkswagen, it’s actually going to work out as even less than that. There’s work to be done, and that deadline is the final deadline to be in on the court action, so we will stop taking on cases imminently.

What happens if I miss the imminent deadline to claim against Volkswagen?

If you end up missing the imminent deadline to make your claim against Volkswagen, you may be sacrificing your opportunity to receive potentially thousands of pounds in damages. From past experience, we find that people who miss the deadline will not be able to benefit from any of the rulings in the litigation. In fact, we still receive inquiries from people for actions we have previously been involved in where the deadline has passed years ago. Unfortunately, we have had to turn them away, and they have lost out on potentially tens of thousands of pounds as a result.

OK: when do I make my claim against Volkswagen?

Now! And by now, we literally mean: now! We’re on the verge of ceasing our new client activities, so you need to act now if you have not already done so to avoid missing out. Make your claim against Volkswagen now by completing the form here and starting the claims process.

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